Saturday, October 30, 2010

New Members Induction 2010

New members were inducted by DG Lim Kok Beng during his official visit to the club on 18th November 2010. Rotarians Kelvan Lim and Mairead Gillespie were inducted. PP AG James H Low and Rtn. Andy King were the Rotarians who invited them to Rotary.

Visit to RC Ellon Scotland by PP AC Lim

Visit to RC Ellon Scotland. Famous for whisky and beautiful unspoilt countryside.
Also visited whisky distilleries, castles, motor museums and the Famous Gordon Highlanders war museum. Had great fellowship with the club.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sister Club Hatyai Nakarin Installation 2010

Sister Club , Rotary Club of Hatyai Nakarin D3330 installation on the 26th June 2010 was attended by some members of our club. RC George Town held a joint project of 30 bicycles to be donated to a border school at Ban Baroei in the outskirts of Hatyai near the Malaysian border.
Pictures here showed the President of Hatyai Nakarin and members of RC George Town.

Visit to House of Hope Penang

Club members visited the "House of Hope Penang " and contributed some food stuffs for the under privileged children on the 4th June 2010.

Interactors at Rotary meeting.

SMHK Interact Club President Yit Lun receiving the Interact Charter Certificate from President Calvin Cho with Rotarian Advisor PP Dr. GS Murthi beside during their visit to our weekly meetings on 2nd August 2010 together with the Teacher Advisors. SMU Interact Club President and Teacher Advisor were also present for a "communication session" on Interact and Rotary.

RC George Town Charity Car Wash

RC George Town charity car wash was held on 27th March 2010. Rtn Simon Wong was Organizing Chairman. Proceeds of the event was for " House of Hope Penang ".Interactors from Sek Men Hamid Khan, Convent Green Lane and Sek Men Union together with Rotarians wash cars for a good cause.